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We encourage CALI members to contribute to our political action committee to further our positive relationships with legislators in the California Senate and Assembly as well as statewide officeholders.

Donate to the CALI PAC

The purpose of the California Association of Licensed Investigators Political Action Committee (CALIPAC) is to facilitate communications and positive relationships between our profession and the lawmakers who create laws that govern us. Without legislators knowing who we are as licensed private investigators and CALI, laws can be considered, passed, and enacted in a vacuum.

By assisting lawmakers through contributions totheir campaigns for election, we at least are able to ensure that the decision-makers have accurate facts about our profession and have a relationship with one or more licensed private investigators and CALI.

In 1979, six dedicated members of CALI formed the first political action committee and named it the Investigators & Security Political Action Committee, or ISPAC.

Realizing that the future of the industry was tied closely to the activities of state government, each of them contributed $1,000 to start the PAC. No small sum in 1979.

In the first few years of the PAC's formation, the annual income from donations was around $12,000.

With the guidance of our then Legislative Advocate, Craig Biddle, the PAC made donations to the campaigns of a few legislators who had a positive view of our profession.

During the mid-1980s, unable to continue to rely upon the support of just a few, the PAC began to solicit contributions from all CALI members. The PAC held fundraisers and sent out mailings to raise funds. In spite of these efforts, donations were inadequate.

In 1999, the constant onslaught of legislation designed to close records and permit investigations by unlicensed individuals posed a serious threat to the future of our industry. The CALI Board of Directors voted to use a portion of member dues to fund the PAC. This forward-thinking action by the Board allowed CALI to reach out and build relationships with many more legislators and to make increasingly meaningful contacts.

Renamed the California Association of Licensed Investigators Political Action Committee (CALIPAC), it is managed by a Steering Committee comprised of five members. Three must be CALI members and the Government Affairs Committee Chair and legislative advocate both serve as non-voting advisors.

From recommendations received from CALI members and our Legislative Advocate Jerry Desmond, the Steering Committee considers requests for contributions to the campaigns of individuals running for election or re-election to the Senate, Assembly or statewide office.

The Committee's evaluations are based on a variety of criteria including the relationship between the legislator and a CALI member, and the legislator's interest in our issues. Political party affiliation is not an issue. We seek out those in both parties who will listen to our concerns.

Contributions to candidates can be to "a committee to elect" or in the form of tickets to a fundraiser. Our Legislative Advocate often attends these events in Sacramento. In addition, members of our association attend many local fundraising events that are held at a district level.

Regardless of the venue, the purpose is to meet with the legislators and explain that private investigators are professional business people and a critical, integral part of California's civil and criminal justice systems. We convey the topics important to our industry to keep them informed.

The CALIPAC is always seeking qualified CALI members to represent us at a legislator's district fundraiser. If you are interested in donating your time to this worthwhile endeavor, please let us know.

Show Your Support and Donate To The CALIPAC Today!


Your donations allow CALIPAC to directly contribute to legislators or candidates for the CA State Legislature. CALI sends investigators from all over the state to events in support of candidates or currently elected officials. These face to face encounters are extremely helpful.  Legislators do their best to represent the interests of their constituents, particularly those in which they have had some interaction. Your contribution to CALIPAC  will enable our association to continue to have a voice in the State Capitol. The entire profession benefits from the efforts of CALI.

Contributions made to the CALIPAC are voluntary and not tax-deductible.

Donate to the CALI PAC