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HomeGovernor of the Year Award


The Governor of the Year Award recipient is a CALI District Governor that has demonstrated outstanding commitment and dedication to serving the CALI membership and the PI profession during its tenure as a District Governor. The CALI Vice President of Administrative Services selects the award recipient and presents the award at the President’s Dinner at the Annual Conference.

Past Recipients of the Governor of the Year Award:

2023 – Howard Dratch, CPI
2023 – Tony Suggs
2022 – Eric Dean
2021 – Rick Manzanares
2020 – Jay Paulino, CPI
2019 – Jay Paulino, CPI
2018 – Anna Stowe
2017 – Juan Sigler
2016 – Dave Walker, CPI
2015 – Maki Kudaka, CPI
2014 – Carl Dougherty
2013 – Sandra Copas

If you are the recipient of the Governor of the Year award, or know a recipient of the Governor of the year Award, and your name is not listed, please send an email to the CALI office with your name and the year you receive the award.